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01/04/2025 – Day 195 – Ezekiel – Chapters 25 thru 30 // The LORD judges all nations as evidenced by today’s reading.

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

If, you search on “Day 195”, last cycle’s post give a summarized excerpt by way of “Halley’s Bible Handbook”

For this cycle, I am sharing select verse commentaries in our reading by verse from “The Evidence Bible – NKJV”. It helps us with context and edification . Let’s get started:

26:4. To prevent Nebuchadnezzar from obtaining her treasures, the residents of Tyre moved onto an island a mile off the coast. The conqueror destroyed the coastal city and left. Over two centuries later, Alexander the Great used the ruins of the city to build a causeway to the island thus fulfilling this prophecy.”

27:1. In times of old, God spoke through the prophets, but we now haver His mind revealed through His Word. Be careful of those who say, ‘God told me…’ Such people are often not open to any human counsel or correction. If we disagree with them, we would be disagreeing with ‘God’. Such talk is often rooted in pride.”

28:2. This has been man’s desire ever since Satan tempted Adam and Eve that they could ‘be like God’ (see Genesis 3:5). Mormonism teaches that you can become a god; the New Age teaches that you are god; and Hinduism teaches that you can become part of the Universal Consciousness. However, there is only one true God, the Creator of all things. See Deut. 4:35; Isaiah 40:25; 43:10; 44:6; 45:21, 22; 46:9

28: 12-17 Tyre was judged by God because she lifted herself up through pride and and the ultimate delusions of grandeur (v. 2). Though this proclamation is against the king of Tyre, much of this chapter is thought to describe the fall of Satan. Satan was present in the Garden of Eden as well as on the mountain of God (vv 13,14), but pride likewise led to his downfall. See Isaiah 14: 12-15 for similar wording about the king of Babylon (also thought to describe Satan). No doubt Satan inspired them both.”

“29:15 Egypt has been called ‘the greatest power the world has ever seen,’ but it has never risen to the place of power that it once had.”

“30: 4 ‘Deism’ is the popular belief that God created the universe, but that He is merely a Higher Power that has no interest in the affairs of men or nations. This chapter destroys such a notion.”

Soli Deo Gloria!


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