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01/26/2024 – “Be the light you were called to be and shine at all times, in all things, and to all people. It’s your calling and your heritage.” Matthew 5; 14-16

Categories : Daily Devotionals , Quotes

The Menorah People

Friday, January 26, 2024

Israel’s symbol is the menorah, a seven-branched lamp stand- the lamp that stood in the Holy Place, filled with oil and was kept burning by the priests. Israel was called to be a light to the nations, a holy vessel filled with God’s oil, shining with His light, the light of His presence and His salvation. The Word of God says that if you’re born again, you are a fellow citizen of Israel. God’s nation is called to be a light to the world, and every citizen is called to be a light to those around it. So the menorah, the lamp stand, is the symbol of your nation, your citizenship, and your life. But that lamp could not be a light on its own power. On its own, it was empty. It needed to be filled with the oil and the fire. In the same way, in order to be a light, you need to get filled and refilled every day. Get filled with the oil of His Spirit, joy of His presence, bread of His Word, and fire of His will. Be the light you were called to be and shine at all times, in all things, and to all people. It’s your calling… and your heritage.

From Message #167 – The Automatic Menorah 
Scripture: Matthew 5:14-16

TODAY’S MISSION – Commit that today you will not be overcome by any darkness – but you will shine the light of God into it. 

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Soli Deo Gloria!

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