02/08/2022 – Our Messiah’s power is forever, therefore “now” – His kingdom!
The Word for you Today

Tuesday, February 8, 2022
In synagogues during ancient times, the rabbis would minister using Biblical accounts: the past works of God, what God would one day do in His kingdom, when the time of the kingdom would come and what would come on the earth. One Rabbi did something different. In Luke 4, after one Rabbi read the prophecy of Isaiah He threw in a bombshell. He said, “Today in your hearing, this has been fulfilled.” Messiah’s redemption is now–forever–but now. Many of His people live as if the power of Messiah has past or is coming. We say, “I’ll be free tomorrow, I’ll overcome tomorrow, I’ll fulfill the calling tomorrow,” but tomorrow never comes. Messiah’s power is now. Today is the day of salvation. Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart. Your repentance, your breakthrough, your victory, your blessing, and your ministry won’t come tomorrow. Messiah ministers today. He calls you, He speaks to you, and He opens His hands now. If you respond, if you come, if you receive, you will be blessed, and this scripture, will be fulfilled in your hearing today.From Message #654 – Messiah at The Pulpit
Scripture: Isaiah 49:8
TODAY’S MISSION – Live today as Holy unto the Lord, He is victorious today as He is all of our tomorrows. Draw near to Him, as you minister. Our Messiah ministers and comes in power today.