02/10/2022 – “The Rabbi Who Leads the Church”
The Rabbi who Leads The Church

Thursday, February 10, 2022
The head of the church isn’t a pope, isn’t a minister, it’s a Rabbi. Yeshua, Jesus is a Rabbi. He’s called Rabbi, and He’s the grand Rabbi. The Rabbi in Jewish culture was the one who taught you. He expounds on God’s word. In fact, there was a word that went along with rabbi, it was always rabbi and talmeedeem. The talmeedeem were the learners. One of the main ministries of Messiah to us, is to teach us, because He is the Rabbi. That means that if we are His, we are talmeedeem. You are a disciple, you are a talmeedeem. As a student, we are to learn more about the Lord, about His ways, His word, His love, to become like Him, your Rabbi. The wonderful thing is that you have a great Rabbi. He will lead you if you follow Him. That means your life is a course, and the greatest course ever given. Set your heart to know God and to learn from Him. He will teach you now, every moment, every day of your life a new lesson, because the head of the church and of you is a Rabbi.From Message #657 – The Grand Rabbi
Scripture: Joel 2:21-24
TODAY’S MISSION – Sit at the feet of the Teacher, learn the ways of the Master, we are all called to be of the holy priesthood to be like Him, we never stop learning the truth.
- FYI – Like the Iranian Christian church. Messianic Jews are growing at a prolfic rate. No one seems to be taking notice. So what? – the numbers are so small relative to the total population they say. Well , those numbers started not too long ago near -0- in both cases. Well, just wait, the Holy Spirit is sweeping across the land to claim His own.
An estimated 175,000 to 250,000 Messianic Jews in a U.S. jewish population estimated at 5,700,000. Globally , the estimates are 350,000 Messianic Jews in an estimated population of 15.2 million. It is estimated roughly 80% of the population are disconnected Jews, meaning they feel no connection to their Jewish ethnicity nor Judeo / Christian faith.
From history, it is estimated that there were 4 – 5 million Jews, mainly in Judea in Jesus’ day. I couldn’t get estimates in the Diasporta, but there was a rather large population I thought in Alexandria and Egypt , to name just two. Josephus, the reknowned Jewish historian , was a younger contermporary in Jesus’ day, estimated that 1 million Jews died in the Rome destruction of Jerusalem in 70 a.d, which would mean 20% of the population.
in 1939, there was an estimated Jewish global population of 16.6 million , or 1.4 milion less than today. In 1764 – I saw an esimated Jewish population of 750,000 in Poland and 1.2 million in the middle east and the rest of Europe. The Holocaust wiped out the Jewish population in Poland. I would guess the numbers are extremely low to this day.
Soli Deo Gloria!