02/14/2025 – Gospel of John – Chapter 11 – “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live. Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die — ever. Do you believe this?'” (John 11:25-26) / Note – Just one more reason I don’t believe in “soul sleep”.
Trouble At The Cemetery

Friday, February 14, 2025
There are many ways of ruining an occasion. We’re normally taught that it is wrong to ruin special occasions, but is that Biblical? There was this one occasion that everybody had prepared for, dressed up, brought food, and made a big deal of it. But then Messiah came and ruined it. The occasion was a funeral, and Messiah is in the business of ruining funerals. If you are a follower of Him, then it’s your job to also ruin funerals. How? There are funerals going on all around you; living funerals that people put on their whole lives – funerals of self-pity, anger, bitterness, funerals of sorrow and loss. Thus, it is your job to ruin those funerals. How? Messiah did it through compassion, through prayer, through a miracle, through the touching of their lives with God’s love, through healing and through resurrection. Chances are there is a funeral being held not too far from you right now. You now know your mission. By the power of Messiah – ruin that funeral.
From Message #628 – How To Ruin A Funeral
Scripture: John 11:25-26
TODAY’S MISSION – Today, ruin some funerals, subvert the enemy’s plans to destroy someone by sharing the love of Messiah with them.
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Soli Deo Gloria!
We have the Bible verse from Jonathan Cahn within the section, but I am reflecting even more on the entire story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the grave, John 11: 17 – 44. A dear friend of mine is grieving over the death of her father this past Wednesday after a long battle with Alzheimer’s. So, the “Everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die — ever” verses in the title jump out.
But there are interesting sidetones on human grief here from Jesus, showing his human emotions. Notice verse, he weeps in verse 35, even though he is fully aware he his moments away from raising Lazarus out of the grace. And then go back up to verse 33, noting that “He was angry in His spirit and deeply moved…” Take a Quick Look at John Gill’s commentary on this verse:
No matter how much we believe in the perfection of heaven, we will still be blown away by joy when that moment has arrived for us to go ‘home’. Do y’all remember the E.T. movie where E.T. proclaims to Elliott: Home!. (as in , I’m past being ready…). Just saying: I like Randy Alcorn’s book: “Heaven”. If it points us back to our fathomable LORD, it is a book.
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