02/15/2025 – Day 230 – Daniel – Chapters 7 through 12 / Chapter 11 & 12 conclusion: excerpts from “The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist” by Joel Richardson
Just FYI : Joel maintains that the majority of theologians agree that 11: 35 – 36 verses are a transition point from Antiochus Ephiphanes and the Antichrist.
I should point out here that the Daniel section of Joel Richardson’s book covers 111 pages.
Daniel Chapter 11 – Conclusion
“In considering the popular belief that the Antichrist will verbally declare himself to be God and demand worship from the whole world, what must be acknowledged is that this scenario is problematic regardless of which position one takes. It is problematic for example, that a humanist, materialist, atheist Anrichrist would on one hand mock God and reject all gods but also claim to be God or a god . (*A – below) This would be an oxymoron. An atheist or a humanist would cease being an atheist or a humanist if he declared himself to actually be God. Likewise, if one believes the Antichrist to be some type of universalist, religious pluralist, lets-all-get-along-ist, this is also deeply problematics, as the Antichrist is said not only to mock God of the Bible, but every god as well. Universalists give credence and validity to every god. But despite the problematic nature of virtually every position that one might consider, curiously, it has been the Islamic Antichrist theory that has seen the most skepticism in recent years. I have often felt as though it is far easier for man to believe the Bible predicts something which only exists in his imagination that it is to believe that the Bible predicts something that is right in front of him.
(*A) – See Daniel 11:36 and 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 – 4
In the end, regardless of what position one takes, we must ask ourselves if the Antichrist is not a Muslim, how will he cajole the 1.6 billion (and growing) Muslims of the earth to follow him? Many have claimed that the Muslims of the earth will no longer exist by this time. But no scenario or mechanism has been set forth which could satisfactorily explain such a massive global demographic earthquake. As we have seen, the empire of the Antichrist will come from the Middle East and North Africa, nations that are all vastly Muslim majority. If the Antichrist is a humanist or a universalist religious pluralist, how could such a man sway the increasingly radicalizing Muslim population of the world to follow him? Those who reject the Islamic Antichrist theory must be able to satisfactorily answer those questions.”
Daniel – Chapter 12 – Conclusion
Of course, the Middle Eastern or Islamic-centered interpretation of Daniel’s prophecy, has always been a minority position, though today it is quickly gaining a wide acceptance among the believing community. While various early Jewish and Christian scholars and commentators throughout history have seen many passages as pointing to the Islamic world. never in history has the Islamic Antichrist theory been as systematically developed and as thoroughly articulated as now. I would suggest the reason for this is simply because the Middle Eastern or Islamic interpretation of Daniel, as has been presented through the past several chapters represents a view that makes sense logically, historically and most importantly, Scripturally. Beyond this, as a contrarian view, it does not require us to reinterpret the clear meaning of the angel’s words. And so in fact the Middle Eastern or Islamic perspective on Daniel’s prophecies is accurate, then it also stands to reason that the ‘last days’ as described throughout Daniel are now drawing near.”
Soli Deo Gloria!