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02/27/2021 – Day 287 – Hebrews 6 – 10 – We are not only saved “from something” (sin and death), but “to something”, by His grace – Our mission to His kingdom! Failure is not an option.

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Wedding day today! (saturday,02/27/2021) ; so, I am posting one day ahead to minimize the catch up. Bill, Ada, Cooper and Bertie will be with us today from heaven! It’s a joyful weird, I can sense it already. Not an everyday occurrence…, not to this extent. (Always connected by His grace… – Romans 8: 37 – 38)

I am going to start out by giving y’all a broad swath of our reading today from Chapter six through chapter ten: “Peril of Not Progressing (6 :1 – 8) / A Better Estimate (6: 9 -12) / God’s Infallible Purpose in Christ (6:13 – 19) / The Greatness of the New Priest ( 7: 20-28) / The King of Righteousness (7: 1-10) / The Need for a New Priesthood (7:11 – 7:19) / The New Priestly Service (8: 1-6) / A New Covenant ( 8:1-6) / The Earthly Sanctuary (9:1 – 9:5) / The Limitations of the Earthly Service (9:6 – 9:10) / The Heavenly Sanctuary (9:11 – 9:15) / The Mediator’s Death Necessary (9:16 – 9:22) / Greatness of Christ’s Service (9:23 – 28) / Animal Sacrifices Insufficient (10:1 – 10:10) / Christ’s Death Perfects the Sanctified (10: 11 – 10:18) / Hold Fast Your Confession (10:19 – 10:25) / The Just Live by Faith (10:26 – 10:39)

A very good and loyal friend of mine from high school noted that his impression of my blog posts was that they were “derivative”, translation: “copy-cat”. Indeed!, why wouldn’t I quote men and women warriors that dedicated their entire lives to praying, studying and preaching God’ word? It is not about where anyone of us are today as far as “knowledge” of the bible. But regardless of where we are relative to our Christian brothers and sisters, it is all about addressing that first section: “Peril of Not Progressing” to our reading. Here I go: To quote Mr. Matthew Henry once again in his commentary on the passage re: the basic priniples of the doctrine of Christ: “But they must not rest in them, they must not be always laying the foundation, they must go on, and build upon it.” That is the first principle that Matthew outlines.

I am going to outline them here in bullit form:

“I. Several foundation-principles, which must be well laid it first, and then build upon.

1. Repentence from dead works. Take care that you return not to sin again, for then you must have the foundation to lay again. Repentance, for and from dead is foundation-principle, which must not be laid again, though we must renew our repentance daily.

2. Faith toward God. Repentance for dead works, and faith towards God, are connected, and always go together; they are inseparable twins, the one cannot live without the other.

3. The doctrine of baptisms. The ordinance of baptism is a foundation to be rightly laid, and daily remembered, but not repeated.

4. Laying on of hands, on persons passing solemnly from their initiated state by baptism to the confirmed state. Or by this may be meant ordination of persons to ministerial office. This is to be done but once.

5. The resurrection of the dead.

6. Eternal judgment.

These are the great foundation-principles, and from these they must never depart.”

Actually , Matthew’s commentary on this reading today is only seven pages. It is rich. On this morning in particular, my prayers and reflections are going on at warp speed. But here, I am thinking again of the emerging Iranian church, converting lost souls in a 45 minute under-cover one on one witness with a stranger on the street, from someone who knows very little about Jesus the Savior to a disciple. And prayers of praise if he or she is armed with a bible upon departure. A miracle to pull off in some public places.

I expect we could have a lengthy discussion on the verses below. But suffice to say, I expect if the fear of the Lord comes over us when we read it, that is a good thing! But I also expect , much like the unforgivable sin against the Holy Spirit, if we are afraid of committing it, we don’t have to worry about it. Here is the section 10: 26 – 31:

For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries, Anyone who has rejected Moses’ law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. Of how much worse punishment, do you suppose, will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing, and insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know Him who said, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord. And again, The Lord will judge His people.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Praise God!; the Holy Spirit was with me on this post as well, flawed as the grammar remains. That is significant today as well, otherwise, I wouldn’t be doing it.

Soli Deo Gloria indeed! Gotta start getting ready, can’t miss the “kick-off” , don’t ya know, a very joyful part of the mission. Other parts, here on this side of His kingdom, take on suffering to His glory, those too coalescing into the same integrated unfathomable eternal joy just a single breath away.


Your brother in Christ,


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