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02/27/2023 – “… Wall of Separation as Understood by Jefferson.”// We were brainwashed by our public education gulag!



Comment: On June 25, 1962, in a 8 to 1 decision, the Supreme Court prohibited the state from sponsoring specific prayers in public schools in Engel v. Vitale. Regardless of those arguments, we were brainwashed!: It is impossible to separate a worldview from education. So, we have banned Christian worldview teaching from the “public” school system and replaced it with a pagan indoctrinated gulag. So, how is it they get to preach their evil to our children, and not be in violation of the establishment clause? The obvious solution is a voucher system, the parents should decide, presumably driven to a school choice that is in line with their worldview.

I recall a quote from Douglas Wilson in a Christian worldview education seminar years ago: “If we turned over our vacation bible school programs to the prophets of Baal, they wouldn’t take advantage of us would they?” Well, yes and that is what they did!

So, the establishment clause, as interpreted by the Supreme Court in 1962, applied to Christians, but not to pagans. It was a precursor to our current day rampant tyranny and lawlessness.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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