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03/05/2025 – Day 248 – 1 Chronicles 20 – 24 / “Should we try to number converts” – See 21:1

Categories : Quotes

The verse: “Now Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel.” (1 Chronicles 21:1)

Thoughts! I think this commentary from “The Evidence Study Bible” is solid!:

21:1. Should we try to number converts? There is always a temptation to track numbers when it comes to evangelism. It is wise not to do so, because only God knows those who are truly repentant. It is amazing how many evangelists and preachers, seem to have access to the Book of Life by citing salvation statistics, how many evangelists and preachers seem to have access to the Book of Life by citing salvation statistics, but such numbering reveals a lack of understanding of the nature of true and false conversion. Making a ‘decision,’ walking an aisle, or raising a hand do not indicate whether someone truly repents and trusts in the Savior. The fact that we have planted the good seed of the Word of God is evangelistic ‘success.’ The rest is up to God.”

“Regarding keeping tabs of ‘decisions of Christ,’ D.L. Moody stated: ” ‘Is it well to number converts?’ [David} got into trouble by trying to number Israel. It is best to let the Lord keep the record. It makes me creep all over to hear a man tell how many he has converted.”

Other personal reflection: David’ census of military troops showed a terrible lack of faith. He of all people should have embraced miracle deliverances for this covenant people, his own example being the slaying of Goliath. In terms of numbers, look at Judges 7, the amazing story of “Gideon’s Valiant Three Hundred”, who subdued the Midianites, slaying 120,000 enemy soldiers in the process. (see Chapter 8). So, what does numbers of mere men have anything to do with it !

Soli Deo Gloria!

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