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03/07/2024 – “… Offer your best to the only God who deserves it, because He gave you His best. Go and do likewise.” // Exodus 20:3

Categories : Daily Devotionals

Every God Has Its Altar

Thursday, March 7, 2024

At the time of Israel’s apostasy, the land was filled with altars for sacrifices to false gods. Even when the people were in rebellion to God and living in sin, they still offered sacrifices, because a god is that which you sacrifice for. In your life, what is your God? You might say, “My God is God”. Ask yourself, what are the things that you are sacrificing for? Are you sacrificing for success, money, comfort, pleasure, sin, lust, yourself, your reputation, or your glory? What are you spending your time, energy, joy, dreams, and thoughts on? Those are your offerings. What are you really sacrificing for? If it’s not God, there are other gods in your life and all those other gods in the end will take from you, drain you, and bring you destruction. They’re focused on receiving your sacrifice, but there’s only One God who sacrificed Himself and died for you. Stop sacrificing to those false gods in your life. Offer your best to the only God who deserves it, because He gave you His best. Go and do likewise.

From Message #800 – Smash The Gods 
Scripture: Exodus 20:3

TODAY’S MISSION – Are you in any way serving and sacrificing to something that’s not God? Stop and present your body as a living sacrifice to your Lord. 

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Comment: Note that “false gods” can be any area of this world that takes you away from God and His plan for your life to serve His kingdom. i.e.: NFL, social media, your dog(s), little league over Sunday family worship. If we really love our children, we have the following priority order: God, wife, children. Only God can measure hearts, but our actions can easily lead to the conclusion we have the order reversed. In the proper order, our children will have joy and peace in their heart. If they see our non-work schedule revolving around them almost exclusively , it produces inner angst. Yet, all the outward appearances of what we would call a great Dad, no?

I found my kids always loved to hear and witness how much I loved their Mom. Ramp it up a level, even moreso obviously with God, provided , they are/ were properly grounded in the Christian faith at an early age.

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Soli Deo Gloria!

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