03/09/2022 – Day 009 – Genesis 4-7 – Compare and contrast Abel’s offering to Cain’s offering. It applies until the 2nd coming of Christ.
Chapter 4: 4-7: Why did God look with favor on Abel’s offering , but not on Cain’s offering? John Gill is helpful to us on this question. I encourage you to start with the verse 7 commentary and click on the following verses until you have read through verse 7. What if Cain would have gone to God in repentence and asked for God’s help in setting his heart, mind and soul straight and centered on His truth! Following only our feelings is a straight path to the Devil. No?
I am not going to continue this practice, but I am reposting my Day 009 post from 06/10/2020 so y’all can check this out. I know I have “readers” that don’t have an account login yet so: 1) they can’t post original posts or make comments on posts, nor, 2) use the filter by subject or search tools. For search, my most common search would be
Referencing Genesis 6: 4: Who were the Nephilim in the Bible? As the article, link below points out, this question although not foundational nor impactful to our faith, has generated a disproportinate amount of probing and curiosity. What I think is interesting is that it points out what “letting scripture testify to scripture” really means in order to draw out a biblical hermeneutic (interpretation) of the examined verse. And sometimes, even that does not give us a definitive answer. But that is ok, for we must concentrate on the foundational message of the gospel. And that takes us back to Cain and Abel. We have many Cains out there, lost souls that are on a path of destruction.
Soli Deo Gloria!