03/19/2025 – Day 263 – Psalm 111 – 113 / The Hallel Psalms : 113 – 118 – Sung on the night of Passover.
Taken from Halley’s Bible Handbook:
“Psalm 111. Majesty, Honor, Righteousness, Mercy, Justice, Faithfulness, Truth, Holiness, and Eternity of God. Verse 9 is the only place in the Bible where the word ‘Reverend’ occurs, and it is applied to God, NOT to Ministers.
Psalm 112. Blessedness of the man who Fears God, and is Righteous, Merciful, Gracious, Kind to the Poor, and Loves the Ways and Word of God, and whose Heart is Fixed in God. Everlasting Blessedness is his.
The Hallel Psalms were sung, in families, on the night of the Passover: 113 and 114 at the beginning of the meal: 115, 116, 117, 118, at the close of the meal. They must have been the hymns that Jesus and his disciples sung at the Last Supper (Matthew 26:30) . Hallel means Praise.
Psalm 113. A Song of Praise. Begins and ends with hallelujah, which means Praise. Praise God Forever.”
We’ll finish the other six Hallel Psalms, the next two Wednesdays.
Soli Deo Gloria!