03/20/2025 – “For you are a citizen of heaven!” / Romans 8:7
Heaven’s Enclave

Thursday, March 20, 2025
Philippians 3:20 says, “For our citizenship is in heaven from where we also wait for a savior.” The Greek word behind the word citizenship specifically referred to a colony of people living according to the laws of their native country outside their native country. So even though they weren’t home, they were living as if they were. What this reveals is that you are citizen of heaven, not earth. Heaven is your native land. And even though you are not presently living there, you are to be living on earth as if you were living in heaven – not ultimately subject to the laws of this world, but according to the laws of heaven. This is an incredible truth – You don’t have to be bound any more by the laws of this world, the laws of sin and death, guilt, failure, frustration, anger, regret, or fear. You don’t have to submit to any bondage. You are not of this world. Live by laws of heaven, the ways of heaven, the rights of heaven, the privileges of heaven, and the freedom of heaven. For you are a citizen of heaven!
From Message #482 – As It Is In Heaven
Scripture: Romans 8:7
TODAY’S MISSION – Today, choose to live unbound by the laws of the flesh, and of sin and death, but live by the laws of heaven.
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