04/26/2024 – Peter Robinson – “Uncommon Knowledge” – an astounding interview of three scientific heavyweights, “The Evidence for Design” : Michael Behe (Biochemist) / Stephen Meyer (Astrophysicist)- Discovery Institute / John Lennox – Mathematics – Oxford // 1 of 2
Just 2 personal experiences:
Over two decades ago, Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute layed out a more than compelling case that left us with: “I don’t have nearly enough faith to be a darwinist pagan.”, using scientific laws and laws of probability. And college students are still being brainwashed on darwinism, the science has more holes in it than Swiss cheese. It is a pagan religion.
Michael Behe: If you are not familiar with his concept of “irreducible complexity” and the mousetrap, listen in.
Around 6 – 8 years ago, I caught a presentation from John Lennox at a Presbyterian church in Dallas. As with Stephen and Michael, John’s presentation was like “taking a drink of water from a fire hose”.
So, two decades ago, my proposal to present Stephen Meyer’s : “The Evidence for Design” and Focus on the Family’s “Truth Project” in a vacation bible school symposium for middle schoolers to graduating seniors headed off the college, was turned down. I recall objections to Meyer: “He is a deist!” I still submit we need to arm our kids against the onslaught of pagan atheism on college campuses. Then, we connect directly to the evidence for Christ resurrected that resounds with Roman 1: 18-19: “For God’s wrath is revealed from heaven against all godlessness and unrighteousness of people who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth, since what can be known about God has shown it to them.”
Soli Deo Gloria!