04/27/2023 – “All authority is the Lord’s. You are of the Lord, therefore walk in authority, for the gates of hell will not prevail against you…”
Haman’s Bluff

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Thursday, April 27, 2023
In the book of Esther, Haman is the enemy. He has to get the king’s authority in order to act. This reveals a critical truth. As revealed in the book of Job, the enemy has no real authority of his own. How could he? Messiah said ALL authority, not 99.9%, goes to Messiah, in God. None is left for the enemy. So what does he do? He bluffs. He offers Eve the fruit as if he owned it. He offers Messiah the world. He’s not the Lord of the world, only God is. He’s like the guy selling the Brooklyn Bridge. He doesn’t own it. He comes like a roaring lion, but he flees when you resist. Evil, sin and temptation have no real authority; they’re bluffs. Don’t believe the bluff of the bad report, the threat or the intimidation. Take authority over it. When the enemy speaks, when temptation comes, take authority. You can! Sin shall not be master over you. All authority is the Lord’s. You are of the Lord, therefore walk in authority, for the gates of hell will not prevail against you. It’s all a bluff.
From Message #1307 – The Cosmic Haman
Scripture: Luke 1:9
TODAY’S MISSION – Today, submit yourself fully to God’s authority. Realize that in His authority you have victory over the enemy. Cast out everything that is not of the Lord: depression, anxiety, bondage. Cast them out in Messiah’s name.
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Soli Deo Gloria!