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05/27/2022 – Day 089 – Job 25 – 26 / 26:4: Job is right in 26:4: Everything that is true and good is not necesarily suitable to relieving the suffering of a fellow soul.

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Chapter 25 is Bildad’s last appearance in the book of Job I believe amongt the three “friends” of Job. Who can argue with Bildad’s assertion of God’s sovereignty, and that man is “only a worm” in comparison. (v 25:5)

But I agree with Matthew Henry’s commentary:

“He pretended to convince, instruct and comfort Job, but, alas ! what he had said was little to the purpose. ‘To whom hast though didst direct thy discourse! ‘And dost thou take me for such a child as to need these instructions.’ Everything that is true and good is not suitable and seasonable. To one that was humbled, and broken, as Job was, he ought to have preached of the greace and mercy of God, rather than of his greatness and majesty. Job asks him, ‘Whose spirit came from thee’, that is, ‘Wht troubled soul would ever been revived, and relieved, and brought to itself, by such discourses as these.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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