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06/03/2023 – “Level VIII – Yigal and His Three Generals” – 67 – 74 C.E. – Chapter Nine- Group fellowship and discussion


Level VIII – Yigal and His Three Generals – 67 – 74 C.E. – Chapter Nine

I will start by looking at “The Tell” interlude back to our present day archaeologist characters and their

Discussion centered around the two types of Jews in history dating from the 9th century migration out 

Of Babylon.  This nine page interlude begins on page # 468.

Here is a historical summarization from Jewishhistory.org:

I think with investigation, we would find the history account collaborates our archaeologist character discussion

On the Sephardim and Ashkenazim.  It’s ironic , given Sephardim’s intellectual roots through Maimonides and other

Jewish scholars and philosophers, that the 20th century reflect a shall I call a friendly “good ol boy” demeanor amongst

The Sephardim, whereas the Ashkenazim are characterized as arrogant, reading into the scene on the bottom of pg. #471

Where the severely disabled young man in his twenties was received so lovingly by the Sephardim.  The Ashkenazim had

To start in a much more brutal and primitive environment in Western Europe  at the end of the first millennium, in stark

Contrast to the Sephardim in North Africa living alongside the accommodating Moors of the Muslim faith.


Now back to  our story , back to 67 – 74 C.E.  Given the state of the world today, I pray fervently that I would trust and 

Love our Lord to the end as  Yoga and wife Beruriah did through horrific torture and death.  Josephus and Naaman, though 

their escape in the tunnel spoke ofLoyalty to the Jews, but ultimately they showed their first priority was saving their own lives.

In other words, their actions

Spoke louder than their words.  Josephus , the historian, reported one million Jewish lives lost with Vespasian’s destruction

Path which culminated with Jerusalem and the Temple.  There were most certainly loyal Jews who were martyrd for their 

Faith as Yoga and Beruriah were, without apparent conversion to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.  But that is left to our

Sovereign and all-loving Lord.  Going forward, we are biblically assured of one body in Christ, remnant Jews and Gentiles.

Sidenote – Josephus is historical and I believe Michener is faithful to the record on Josephus.  “Naaman” is a name that appears

In the Old Testament, but this Rab Naaman in this chapter is fictional I believe. 

What a sad tragic irony:

Last pg #500:  We are told that “Vespasian had decreed for the man who had poured boiling oil upon his Romans.  Well, we know

That decree was from Josephus, not Yigal.  Yigal was chastised by Josephus for being against it.  Yet, Vespasian ends up taking

Josephus in as an adopted son in Rome, the very man who ordered it.  We could go on and on, but we could just reread the last ten

Pages or so of the chapter.  There is so much there.

Yigal’s parting message to the community, starting from the bottom of pg. # 497:  “But if you remember only two things it will be 

Easy to be faithful.  There is but one God.  He has no assistants, no separations, no form, no personality.  He is God, one and alone. 

The second thing never to forget is that God has chosen Israel for special duties and responsibilities.  Perform them well.”  He 

Hesitated and his voice broke.  “Perform them well.”  How is it that the Jews have survived and thrived through a four thousand years+ 

history of persecution, except by the grace of Almighty God.

Matthew 10:28:  “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy

Both soul and body in hell.”

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