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06/27/2024 -“Seven False gods in the Present Age.” Implications? / Thoughts?

Categories : Christian Apologetics


Worldviews matter! The Christian worldview is either right or wrong, there is no in between. Word for the day: “Syncretism”- my definition without look-up: Embracing incompatible worldviews as one. (it’s “schizophrenic”!)

It is “Pascal’s wager”. If we Christians are wrong it doesn’t make any difference, for we all die. And this life is the limit approaching -0- in significance, we’ll call it a relative “breath”. But if we are right!: Saved by God’s grace alone, we have an eternity of perfect love and no more tears with Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are saved from an eternity separated completely from the triune God, that by definition is hell. So, the “pay-out” is eternal, with a cost of -0-. There you have it. But, how many souls come to Christ through sound logic? Spread the Good News to future Christians!


Soli Deo Gloria!

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