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07/03/2024 – Day 031 – Joshua – Chapters 21 – 24 / “All the promises of God’s Word are there to pick us up when we are so diffident and unsure, but all the warnings of God’s Word are there to corral us and to sting us when we are on the very verge of disaster.” – Sermon title: “The Partial Kingdom: God’s Place” – Numbers 1:1 – Joshua 24:13, dated 04/23/2024

Categories : Daily Devotionals , Sermons


Chapter 24: Review of Israel’s History and The Covenant Renewal is a spiritual historical fulcrum for the tribes of Israel. Appropriately then, Alistair takes us from Genesis to Corinthians in this thirty minute sermon. Take a look at verses 24: 19 – 20, culminating with the the warning from God’s messenger, Joshua: “… If you abandon the LORD and worship foreign gods, He will turn against you, harm you, and completely destroy you, after He has been been good to you.” This indeed happened with the Assyrians complete destruction of the northern kingdom 654 years later (721 B.C.), followed roughly 140 years later by the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Babylonians.

So, I noted recently that Isaiah and Jeremiah were isolated , but faithful warriors for the LORD, but this applied to Joshua as well. As young men, who were the only two scouts that advised going into the promised land against hostile nations?

The U.S.A. is not a covenantal nation. But does not this message apply to us now? God judges all nations. I submit all the moreso here given Luke 12:48: “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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