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07/08/2024 – Day 036 – Matthew – Chapters 14 – 16 / the Bible was written by God, therefore, it oftentimes contains multiple layers of His Truth. Weak analogy: It is like unpeeling an onion…

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Last cycle’s post on Day 036 was dated a 04/04/2022, containing an excerpt summary from each of the three chapters from “Halley’s Bible Handbook”.

Ok, here is just one example of a layer beneath the surface:

Quote commentary from 14: 15-21. Sharing the Bread of Lie.:

“The disciples watched miraculous healings for hours and then approached the Master and told Him three things: 1) the hour was late; 2) they were in a ‘deserted place’. and 3) the multitude needed to eat. Jesus told His disciples that they should be the source of the multitude being fed. The boy’s lunch (John 6:9) was the best they could bring, and Jesus did a miracle when they brought the best they had. Then He had them pick up what remained. There were twelve baskets, for twelve disciples. I believe Jesus was saying: ‘Now that I showed you how, go feed your multitude’ ” Mike Smalley

So…, we don’t save souls obviously, that is through the Holy Spirit. But we are called to be messengers, the visible presence…

Soli Deo Gloria!

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