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07/12/2022 – Day 135 – Exodus 25 – 28 // “The Tabernacle: A Picture of Jesus”(Exodus 25-30)

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year


To supplement our reading today (link above) : It appears dry but the physical connects with endless spiritual mystery and Divine purpose. It is like unpealing an onion. But most of us don’t get beyond the the first layer or two. For us that do: “To whom much is given, much will be expected” Luke 12:48.

For those who may be interested in going beyond the first couple of layers, go back to the 03/31/2022 post – a 50 minute tour of a Byzantine Catholic Church. Thanks again to brother Lenny for sharing it with us! That is the power of a men’s blog in action! (logged on, use search tool: “03/31/2022” or “Byzantine”., and it should take you right there. Much easier than paging through…)

Soli Deo Gloria!

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