07/19/2020 – Day 042 – Romans Chapters 11 – 12
Romans 12:2 is one of my memory verses: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
The word transformed here is actually “metamorphoo” in the Greek as I recall. (check me on this) And can you guess what that word is back in English? Of course, no? It’s metamorphisis – as in catepillar to butterfly. I would submit the Greek enriches the meaning vs. “transformed”. So, we are in the world but not of the world. Yet the kingdom of God is here as we stand, for we are called as messengers to witness to those future Christians that are still lost. And for current Christians, we journey forward on the Sanctification trail that God has cleared for us. We must sharpen our tools thereby the reason we are engaged in prayer and study of His word. And engage each other in this blog website. (hope that is seen to this point is not hope)
Chapter 11: “Israel’s Rejection Not Total” – So what is our take away from this chapter? What does it give us that we wouldn’t have if it weren’t here in His word? In what ways might it have been ignored in the past in the body of Christ? How does it shed light on what is happening today in the body of Christ?