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07/24/2022 – “A small man can see when it is growing dark… but he cannot see beyond the darkness. He does not know how to put a sunbeam into his picture. A great man pierses the darkness and sees the glory of a hidden dawn.” Charles E. Jefferson // What a sublime connection to yesterday’s Bible reading in Jeremiah! (attached)

Categories : Books , Quotes

Always connected through prayer and by His grace!; Soli Deo Gloria!

And as long as we are talking about sunbeams, let’s tie this to our bible reading yesterday, specifically Jeremiah 46 (vv 27 – 28). I pick it up with the Wiersbe’s commentary – chapter 12 – “God speaks to the Nations”:

“Israel’s assured future (vv. 27028). They shouldn’t have been there , but a band of Jews was in Egypt, and this invastion would affect them terribly. The remnant in Judah and the exiles in Babylon would hear of this victory and wonder wheter anything on earth could stop Nebuchadnezzar. God had promised that the exiles would be released from Babylon in seventy years, but Babylon looked stronger than ever.

God’s Word will stand no mater what the newspapers report! ” I will save you, ” God promised . ‘ I will wipe out the nations, but I won’t wipe you out’ Twice the Lord said, ‘Don’t be afraid.’ No matter how dark the day, God always gives His people the bright light of the promises (2 Peter 1: 19-21). “ We have a connection here!

Brothers and Sisters in Christ: We must grab on and not let go, for we were born for this, so that He might be glorified. What a horrific opportunity cost if we let go of it.

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