07/28/2023 – “… Let God become real to you, the same way, in every part of your life… / “For the great of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” John 6:33
Hail Mary or Shalom Miriam!
Friday, July 28, 2023
There are believers who know the story of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary and when the angel says, “Hail Mary full of grace,” they think of liturgy, as in the “Hail Mary.” But back then it wasn’t liturgy or a ritual, it was just an angel greeting Mary. He probably said, “Shalom Miriam.” Here’s the problem. We often take the things of God, things of real life and take them out of life and make them religious, so they don’t apply to our lives anymore. For the people in the Bible, it wasn’t a religious book, it was life itself. It’s not a religious part of life. It’s not two different spheres, one way in church and another way at home. Messiah is God. He came down to touch every part of your life, from mowing the lawn to taking out the garbage, doing whatever it is. For Mary, there was no Hail Mary. It was simply, Yeshua; Jesus coming into her life. Let God become real to you, the same way, in every part of your life. It’s not religious, it’s life. It’s as simple as saying “Hail Mary.”
From Message #511 – Treasures in Heaven
Scripture: John 6:33
TODAY’S MISSION – Today, take the Word of God and apply it to your real life, your real thoughts, your real circumstances, everything.
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