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08/24/2024 – “United Nations: Intentions vs. Track Record; …”



Indeed, as concluded in the this article, “… America began as a God – loving, God-fearing, God-worshiping people.” And as one comment noted, but going further: “The majority want peace to reign, but it won’t happen without the ultimate rule of the Prince of Peace changing our unregenerate hearts.”

Question: How can we call ourselves “America, One Nation Under God” when we ignore the 14th amendment: “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. If we can’t stand on that, we stand for absolution nothing! Trump and the Republican Party compromised on abortion, in order to “win an election”. Have we become so deluded and blinded that we believe we can escape God’s wrath and justice? Our God Reigns!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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