09/09/2022 – Day 194 – Proverbs 10 // “Blessings are on the head of the righteous, but the mouth of the wicked conceals violence.” (vs 6)
And then again a repeat of the 2nd part in verse 11.
I would like to share a footnote in my Evidence Bible on verse 18: “The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool.”
The footnote that we should keep hold of: “Proverbs often refers to people as ‘fools.” The basis for this has to do with how these people think and live. They behave foolishly rather than wisely, and their behavior shows disregard for Yahweh’s order. Proverbs identifies a person as a fool without reflecting contempt for that individual. The context of Jesus’ warning in Matthew 5:22 about calling another person a fool makes it clear that He is warning us about viewing others with contempt. All people, even those who behave foolishly and badly, are people made in the image of God, and they have value and worth. The way we view others and treat them should reflect their innate worth.”
But in today’s world, it is also foolish to not hold crime perpetrators accountable, while punishing the crime victims. I would argue not punishing the “fool” in fact denigrates their innate worth.
A prosperity gospel advocate could certainly pull quite a few isolated verses out of this chapter. What is the issue? I submit that “riches” and “long life” are put into the context in this life alone, not beyond. Job and Ecclesiastes, to name just two books refute these single verse misinterpretations. It is turned around: “Lord, why do you not punish the evil-doers for their wickedness?” So, you need to take it in light of other verses, example – verse 7: “When the wicked dies, his expectation comes to nothing and hope placed in wealth vanishes.”
Soli Deo Gloria!