09/13/2021 – “Spiritual Encounters – Messianic Rabbi Zev Perat – Celebrating the Feasts as Christians.” Wow!
I am going to have to listen to this interview again! This is rich with biblical connections between the Old Testament feasts (Leviticus -chapter 23) and their fulfillment in Yeshua the Messiah , the Perfect Sacrifice, proclaimed in Hebrews – chapter 10.
Here is a calendar chart of all seven feasts with their respective foreshadowing (Colossians 2:17) and Christ fulfillment with bible verses.
We Gentiles are spiritual Israel, one body in Christ, as we were grafted in. (Ephesians , chapter 2 and 3) Paul, in Romans 11: 11-24 , speaks to the new branches grafted into the remnant. I just noticed my King James bible spells it “graffed” in the subtitle. (? – never noticed that before)
It wasn’t that long ago you couldn’t find a Messianic Rabbi, now they are over the place pleading with their Jewish brothers and sisters to accept Yeshua as their Lord and Savior before it is too late. I have also noted that when FAI met with the Iranian underground church, the fastest growing Christian church in the world, they were very surprised that the leaders professed a love for the nation of Israel, seeing as how they were indoctrinated with hate for the nation of Israel. Once again , check out the documentary movie: “Sheep Among Wolves, Part II” on youtube. Recall that Jesus called out the Pharisees in Matthew 16:3: “..ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?”
This 30 minute interview could be expanded to a multiple week Sunday school class study. It is a worthy objective to get lifelong christians to see that the Bible is one book, not two. (The Word)
Soli Deo Gloria!
Your brother in Christ,