10/06/2024 – “God’s people are to rejoice always. Why? Because only God’s people can rejoice.” // “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God… For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.” Isaiah 61: 10-11 / (Comment attached)
The Miserableness of Evil

Friday, October 6, 2023
Hitler, one of the most powerful men in the world; had no peace or joy. He was a miserable, wretched man. Stalin had everything and was paranoid and angry. Proverbs 12:21 says, “No evil shall befall the righteous, but the wicked will be filled with evil.” That word evil can also mean adversity, affliction, calamity, distress, grief, misery, sorrow and trouble. That’s the nature of evil. Sin might have its moment, but it will always end up making you miserable and wretched. Movies sometimes show evil people laughing maniacally. But evil and joy ultimately don’t go together. In Hebrew, one of the words for blessing and joyfulness is a way of saying righteous. Righteousness and joy ultimately go together. God’s people are to rejoice always. Why? Because only God’s people can rejoice. Turn away from evil and temptation. See it for what it is, a rip-off that takes away your joy. Pursue righteousness and godliness. The way of evil is for the miserable. But the way of righteousness is the way of joy.
From Message #593 – The Way of The Fool
Scripture: Isaiah 61:10
TODAY’S MISSION – Walk in His righteousness today – turn away from all evil, temptation and sin, and do so in joy, because of joy, and for joy.
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The Isaiah verse is amongst several that were a mind boggling transformation for the Jewish people of his day, and sadly still for so many in our day: “One body in Christ!” Once again: “God loves us more than we love ourselves. God’s deepest desire is for our peace and joy. We can’t lose, because God can’t lose! Insofar as we believe that identity, we will love His will as we love our own. We will then fully embrace it and become holy.” / “How to be Holy” by Peter Kreeft
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