10/07/2022 – Day 222 – Proverbs 16 // 16:9 – Place your vote , which of these three commentaries resonate most for you?
”A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Vote for commentator #1, #2, or #3! Which one resonates most with you?
#1: Matthew Henry:
”Man is a reasonable creature, that has the faculty of contriving for himself. But as a depending creature, he is subject to the direction and dominion of his Maker. If men devise their way, so as to make God’s glory their end and his will their rule, they may expect that he will direct their steps by his Spirit and grace, so that they shall not miss their way nor come short of their end. Lord, direct my way. 1 Thessalonians 3:11.”
Let me give that 1 Thessalonians 3:11 verse to you: “Now may our God and Father himself, and our Lord Jesus, direct our way to you.”
#2: My Apologetics Study Bible:
”While the book of Proverbs shows the importance of human responsibility and choice, this proverb recognizes that outcomes are determined by God’s sovereign providence. Proverbs makes no attempt to resolve the tension between the two ideas. Both human responsibility and God’s sovereignty are affirmed, and the mystery of their interaction is allowed to remain.”
#3: John Gill commentary available by verse online free of charge, link to 16:9 below:
And , I looked at all four verses he referenced.
I will share my vote upfront, for I am confident that I will not influence anyone:
I choose #1 – Matthew Henry. I have overlooked Matthew Henry of late. His proverbs commentary is broken out by verse like John Gill’s commentary. His norm is to do it by verse range to a book that spans 2,000 or so pages. Of these three, overall I would select John Gill. One key factor I like is for the commentator to list corollary or connected verses , for it is important to “let scripture testify to scripture”. Single verses can be taken completely out of context otherwise. We could do an interesting study of examples of just that. Proverbs is rich. But on single verses: Are we to answer a fool or not? We see both sides in single verses.
Quick note on this verse which I would summarize as the mystery of the interplay between God’s sovereignty and man’s free will. I was in a debate with two baptist brothers who looked at me incredulously when I said: “God chooses us , we don’t choose Him.” In other words, we can’t even take credit for our own faith. To do so, I argue, is a heretical doctrine of works. So, I told them : “Saved or not, we all will face a judgement. Force me to one side, God’s sovereignty or man’s free will, I will choose the former every single time. So admittedly, I am taking a risk here with this position, that being: I could be giving God too much of the credit.” I got an immediate laugh from both of them. Why not?: God has a sense of humor! It’s a mystery outside of our comprehension, so my contention is just embrace like “little children”.
Soli Deo Gloria!