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10/12/2024 – Day 111 – Jeremiah – Chapters 17 – 21 / Questions for Personal Reflection or Group Discussion / Post 3 of 3


These questions cover the aforementioned Wiersbe book: “Be Decisive”. They cover Chapters 18 through 20, Chapter Six in Wiersbe’s book. I’m picking them up from my Kindle Reader reference : Location 1861.

  1. Describe an object that symbolizes your current spiritual condition. Explain the meaning of your object. (Jimmy note – we may want to skip this one. haha. Or maybe it is just me…)
  2. Read Jeremiah 18: 1-17 and Chapter 19. What objects did God us to represent the spiritual condition of His people? Why were those appropriate?
  3. As Jeremiah continued to proclaim God’s message of judgment to the people of Judah, his decisiveness to speak for God continued to be tested. Read 18: 18 – 23 and Chapter 20. How did the people make ministry harder for God’s faithful messenger?
  4. What do Jeremiah’s prayers reveal about his feelings in this situation?
  5. How would you have felt if you had been in Jeremiah’s situation? Why?
  6. What hope did Jeremiah have in spite of his discouragement and despair?
  7. What do you learn about prayer from Jeremiah’s prayers in these chapters?
  8. How easy is it for you to speak out against evil? What helps or hinders you?
  9. What practical steps can you take to speak the truth and trust God if others respond harshly?

Soli Deo Gloria!

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