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10/14/2022 – Day 229 – Proverbs 17 – 18 // Interesting amongst all the words of wisdom, what verses do we highlight? And don’t they change at different points in our journey here?

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Henry H. Halley, in my “Halley’s Bible Handbook” , capsulizes verse themes in about 3 or 4 sentences per chapter. We no doubt could pick out these verses based on this summary for Chapters 17 and 18:

“Chapter 17. He that beats a Fool does it to his Sorrow, A cheerful Heart is a Good Medicine. Even a Fool, when he holds his Peace, is counted Wise.”

“Chapter 18: A Fool’s Mouth is his Destruction. Death and life are in the power of the Tongue. Before Honor goes Humility. Whoso finds a Wife finds a Good Thing.”

Off subject: One relatively small issue I have with Halley is his practice of over-capitalization as if they were reference quotes. haha

The verses I have marked:

Chapter 17:15 / 18:13

“Acquiting the guilty and condemning the innocent — the Lord detests them both” Proverbs 17:15 – Pretty much sums up America today. So, does God judge nations? This is actually repeated in different words in 18:5. As Matthew Henry notes in this commentary of 18:5: “The merits of the cause must be regarded, not the person.”

“He who answers before listening — that is his folly and his shame.” Proverbs 18:13

Here again is Matthew Henry’s commentary for this verse:

“Some take pride in being quick. They answer a matter before they hear it. When they have heard one side, they think the mattress plain that they need not trouble themselves to hear the other. Whereas, though a ready wit is agreeable thing to play with, it is solid judgement and sound wisdom that do business. It is folly for a man to pass sentence upon a matter which he has not patience to make a strict enquiry into.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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