11/02/2022 – “The Broken Altar” / “If my people, who are called by name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7: 14

Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Shalom, to you my Friend and Co-Minister in the Great Commission…
When God brought revival to ancient Israel, the sign that it had come was not church revival services, tent meetings, or gospel crusades – but something very different – broken altars. In the revival that came to Israel under the reign of Josiah, the central act was the king’s breaking, defiling, and pulling down the altars of the gods.
The breaking of the altar was the definitive manifestation that the reign of the false gods that had gripped the nation was broken. For ancient Israel it was the crowning act of repentance. The god whose altar was broken could not be worshiped. In the days of revival, the gods and idols that people or nation have served must be exposed and repented of.
The most brazen altar of the gods in modern times is the altar of abortion. They parallel most closely the altars of the gods that were erected in the Valley of Hinnom where the people of Israel offered up their own children as sacrifices. The Bible records that King Josiah specifically defiled and broke those altars down.
“The Return of the Gods” reveals the mystery of the return of the ancient gods to the modern world – even to America. In their return, they have again set up their altars. I finished writing the book while on the road – on June 24.
As I walked in the airport, heading to my gate, someone shouted to me. I turned around – It was a believer who was holding out his cell phone. “I just got this message from my wife.” He showed me the message: “The Supreme Court Overturns Roe v. Wade.” The most brazen and bloody of altars, that of abortion, that on which over sixty million children had been offered up, had been broken. It was broken on June 24, the same day I finished The Return of the Gods. The man’s vision saw the word going forth and the altars breaking. And so on the day the word was completed and began to go forth, the altar was broken.
We are far from the end of abortion, but the breaking of Roe v. Wade is monumental. It is the most colossal broken altars of modern times. Biblically, it is also a sign linked to national repentance and revival. We must take it as the strongest of encouragements from God to rise to the moment. Will there be revival and a national return to God? That will depend. 2 Chronicles 7:14 still holds: “If My People…” The key word is “if.”
Let us take great encouragement and courage from God’s breaking of this darkest of altars. Let us be strong, courageous, and immoveable. Let us boldly proclaim the gospel of salvation and shine His light to this generation. For the altar has broken!
Your Brother and co-laborer in His love and service,
See Message: “JUNE 24, 2022” (PART 1)
Scripture: 2 Kings 23
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