11/13/2024 – “One little nudge is the difference between a life of going nowhere and a life that’s moving in God’s Spirit. Do what God is calling you to do. Then, in the momentum of the Spirit, the ride will begin!” / I am convinced through His Word: The good Lord calls for us to do “hard things”; this life is not meant to be “easy”!
On The Edge of The Race

Wednesday, November 13, 2024
When I was a boy, I would go sledding with friends. We always started out sitting on top of the hill, right on the edge. It only took the slightest push for gravity’s momentum to kick in and do the rest. That little nudge made all the difference between going somewhere or going nowhere. So too it is in our lives. It is written that God has already prepared good works for you to enter into, but it’s not going to happen if you just sit there on the edge of fulfilling God’s calling on your life. All it takes is just a little push for you to begin, that first step of righteousness, of holiness, of courage, of ministry, of overcoming fear. Take the first step against fear, worry, complacency, apathy, inertial, and that rut. Start moving to victory. One little nudge is the difference between a life of going nowhere and a life that’s moving in God’s Spirit. Do what God is calling you to do. Then, in the momentum of the Spirit, the ride will begin!
From Message #294 – Healing
Scripture: John 16:7
TODAY’S MISSION – Today, take that first step towards victory and break out of that rut.
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“But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go I will send him to you.” John 16:7. By God’s grace, with an indwelling Holy Spirit, I am comfortable that we win in the end and live in eternity with Him. Beyond that, I should be running away from “comfortable”, for it is toxic to my walk and my mission to His kingdom. It’s the sanctification process to holiness, getting “comfortable with uncomfortable”; Praise God!
Just a few mentor examples: Jonathan, son of Saul; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Paul. What path did they take?
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Soli Deo Gloria!