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11/30/2024 – Day 160 – The book of Lamentations – Chapter 1 – 5

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

The book of Lamentations is an amazing story, not only what was written but how it was composed. I would encourage y’all to read Henry H. Halley’s summary excerpt summary of this book, search on post date – “10/24/2020)’ or “Day 160).”

Today, I am going to share my bible footnotes from “The Apologetics Study Bible” for verses 1:1 and 1:5.

1.1. Lamentations is written in the lament meter (three-beat lines alternating with two-beat lines); the first four chapters are in acrostic format, each unit beginning with a successive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. In the Hebrew bible, Lamenations is not in the Prophets section but the Writings section as the fourth of the five ‘Scrolls’ or megillot (Ruth; Song of Songs; Ecclesiastes; Lamentations; Esther).”

1.5. The people had rebelled against the Lord (v. 18) and He had warned them of the impending destruction of their city (Deuteronomy 28:36, 63-68; 2 Kings 17: 13-14; Jeremiah 3: 6-111). The verse refers to ‘children’ being taken captive; the Hebrew ‘olal’ can refer to small children, but here it seems to mean all the people of Jerusalem who had acted childishly in refusing the Lord’s appeal. Under the OT concept of corporate solidarity (see Deuteronomy 2:34; 5:9), all members of a community participated in the sin of its leaders, including the children. If they turned away from their parents’ sins, they would in the end be forgiven by God (Jeremiah 31: 29-30; Ezekiel 18: 19-20; see also Deuteronomy 24:16; 1 Kings 15: 11-13″

SolI Deo Gloria!

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