12/06/2020 – Day 203 – Colossians 3- 4 / Transforming prayer – the mustard seed…
Over the past year, Emily has sent us an urgent text from time to time to pray for one of her ICU patients. We haven’t asked her how she selects whom to pray for, as I know the answer: It is from the Holy Spirit. The latest one was followed by a praise and thanksgiving prayer for the patient was unaccountably breathing on his own the next day. Transforming prayer is harnessing the power of the mustard seed that Yeshua talked about.
Let’s look at Colossians 4:12: “Epaphras, who is one of you, a bondservant of Christ, greets you, always laboring fervently for you in prayers, that you may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.”
Transforming prayer, the footnote in my Bible:
“Prayer can move mountains. It can change human hearts, families, neighborhoods, cities and nations. It’s the ultimate source of power because it is, in reality, the power of Almighty God.
‘Prayer can dow what political action cannot, what education cannot, what military might cannot, and waht planning committees cannot. All these are important by comparison. By prayer the kingdom of God is built, and by prayer the kingdom of Satan is destroyed. Where there is no prayer, there are no great works, and there is no building of the kingdom: God’s rule is established, His power is directed, His will is done, society is transformed, lost persons are saved, and saints are enabled to stand against the devil’s schemes’ (Ephesians 6:11). If that isn’t enough to compel us to ‘devote (ourselves) to prayer’ and ‘always (wrestle) in prayer’ (Colossians 4: 2,12), I don’t know what it is!” Alvin J. Vander Griend, “Your Prayers Matter,” Discipleship Journal.
Just recently, I picked up a little book, only 90 or so pages in length titled: The Rule of St. Benedict” – English translation. The book was written by Benedict (c. 480 – 547), who was an instrumental force at God’s hand that started a wave of monasteries following the complete collapse of the Roman empire. I have it on my heart to share a post or two on this book. I believe the monasteries were instrumental in not only the survival, but the continued phenomonal growth of the Christian church. How? Ans: Prayer!
So, do we really believe what we say is true is really real? If so…, how then shall we live?
Always connected through prayer and by His grace!