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12/19/2020 – Day 216 – The wrap up of Ezekiel // 2 of ?- covering chapters 46 – 48


This will be a case again of being thanksful for the Matthew Henry Commentary. I think I am going to quote directly from key portions of the last three chapters. You will see that Matthew posits the position that these chapters are in the mystical, future and spiritual realm , not the literal.

Ok , I hand it over to Matthew to bring us on home at the tape, the end of our Ezekiel study this year. (maybe – lol) I will put the summary of the chapter in italics at the beginning of each chapter:

“Chapter 46

I. Some further rules given both the to priests and to the people, relating to their worship, vers 1-15. II. A law concerning the prince’s disposal of his inheritance, ver. 16 – 18. III. A description of the places provided for the boiling of the sacrifices and the baking of the meat-offerings, ver 19-24.

Verses 1 – 15 / We do not find in the history of that latter part of the Jewish church that they governed themselves by these ordinances, but only by the law of Moses, looking upon this then in the next age after as as mystical, not literal.

Chapter 47

I. The vision of the holy waters, their rise, extent, depth, and healing virtue, the fish in them, and an account of the trees groing on the banks, ver 1-12. An appointment of the borders of the land of Canaan, which was to be divided by lot to the tribes of Israel, and the strangers that sojouned among them, ver 13-23.

Verses 1 – 12

This part of Ezekiel’s vision must necesarily have a mystical and spiritual meaning. The prophecy, Zechariah 14:8, may explain it, of living waters that shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them toward the former sea and half of them toward the hinder sea. And there is plainly a reference to this in St. John’s vision of a pure rive of water of life, Revelation 22. 1. That seems to represent the glory and the joy which are grace perfected. This seems to represent the grace and joy which are glory begun. Most interpreters agree that these waters signify the gospel of Christ, which went forth from Jerusalem, and spread itself into the coutries about, and the gifts and powers of the Holy Ghost which accompanied it, by virtue of which it spread far and produced blessed effects…….

I. The rise of these waters (v 1), Waters issued out from the threshold of the house eastward, and from under the right side of the house, that is, the south side of the altar. And again (v 2), There ran out waters on the right side, signifying that from Zion should go forth the law and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem, Isaiah 2:3. There it was that the Spirit was poured out from the apostles, and endued them with the gift of tongues, that they might carry these waters to all nations. In the temple first they were to stand and preach these words of this life, Acts v. 20. They must preach the gospel to all nations, but must begin at Jerusalem, Luke 24:47. Christ is the temple; he is the door; from him those living waters flow, out of his pierced side. It is by believing in him that we receive from him rivers of the living waters; and this spoke he of the Spirit, John 7: 38-39. The original of these waters was not above-ground, but they sprng up from under the threshold; for the fountain of a believer’s life is a mystery; it is hid with Christ in God, Colossians 3:3……

Chapter 48

Particular directions given for the distribution of the land. I. The portions of the twelve tribes, seven to the north of the sanctuary (ver 1-7), and five to the south, ver 23-29. II The allotment of the land for the sanctuary, and the priests (v 8-11), for the Levites (v 12-14), for the city (ver 15-20), and for the prince, v 21,22. III. A plan for the city, its gates, and the new name given to it (ver 30-35), which concludes the vision and the prophecy of this book.


Verses 31-35

A further account of the city that should be built for those who should come to worship in the santuary adjoining. It is nowhere called Jerusalem, nor is the land called Canaan; old things are done away with, behold all things have become new. Concerning this city, 1. The measures of its outlets and the grounds, v 35. But what these measures were is uncertain. These things are to be understood spiritually. 2. The number of its gates. It had twelve gates in all, three on each side, inscribed to the twelve tribes. In St. John’s vision, the new Jerusalem has twelve gates, three on a side, and on them are written the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, Revelation 21: 12-13. Into the church of Chrst, there is a free access by faith for all that come of every tribe, from every quarter. Christ has opened the kingdom of heaven for all believers. 3. The name given to this city: it shall not be as before, Jerusalem – The vision of peace, but , which is the original of that , Jehovah Shammah – The Lord is there, v 35. This intimated, (1) That the captives, after their return, should have manifest tokens of God’s presence with them and his residence among them. (2) That the gospel-church should likewise have the presence of God in it, though not in the Shekkinah, as of old, yet in a token of it no less sure , that of his Spirit. Lo, I am with you always even unto the ends of the world. Whatever soul has in it a living principal of grace, it may be truly said, The Lord is there. (3) That the glory and happiness of heaven should consist chiefly in this, that the Lord is there.

Amen! Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord!

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