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12/21/2020 “Messiah Garden of Death” – Sapphires@hopeoftheworld.org daily devotional

Print allIn new windowMessiah Garden of DeathInboxSapphires@hopeoftheworld.org7:12 AM (13 hours ago)to JimmytheBruce // Messiah Garden of Death
Monday, December 21, 2020
When sin entered the world on the day of man’s fall, God took man out of the garden, a garden of life. On the day when sin was put to death, the opposite happened – man brought God down from the cross and into a garden, a garden of death – the garden tomb. So in the Song of Solomon, the bride says of the Bridegroom, “Awake oh north wind and come oh south wind, and blow upon my garden that the spices may flow out.” So man brought God into a garden of death, the garden tomb, and there laid upon him spices, spices which came from a garden. So also in the Song of Solomon, the bride says, “Let my Beloved come into His garden. The tomb of God is a garden tomb – meaning, it’s merely a tomb, the place of endings – it’s a garden, the place of beginnings and life. For all life in God now comes out of that tomb. So don’t be afraid of entering Messiah’s tomb, and dying to self. For it’s not just a tomb – it’s a garden tomb, and those who enter it will find true life.From Message #1346 -Yom Eden & The Way To Paradise
Scripture: Galatians 2:20TODAY’S MISSION – Enter into the Garden Tomb. Lay down your old life, your old identity, your ego and bury it – Then walk in the newness of life.

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