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12/25/2024 – You will be amazed as I am: “Are there in fact mysterious master codes in the Hebrew Bible from antiquity, that not only tell us where mankind has been up to this point, but where we will be?” / Attachment Links


I believe the call would be to declare overwhelming odds to a “yes” answer. Check out History Channels “The God Code”, link below, a teaser short trailer followed by the entire documentary of a few years ago:

Ok, for the entire “The God Code” History Channel viewing, it is quirky but follow these steps:

  1. Go to dailymotion.com
  2. search on the following movie code: x8l3kj6 (note: after the 8 is letter “l” as in “like”.

Back in the “old” days, locating a position coordinate for a particular morse code message, one would “triangulate” the target from three different locations, focusing on the point of intersection of the three lines. Well we have a point of triangulation here when we integrate lines.

We have other lines that also show discoveries of heretofore mysterious mysteries that all seem to point to the world being ever so close to the second coming of Christ. (“End Times”). This movie was fascinating but I am not going to go much further with it for I don’t have any gifts in the area of “Classical Hebrew”; archaelogy; or advanced mathematics to name just three disciplines. Our call is to be mere messengers to spread the Good News of Yeshua (Jesus) Christ. We each could be facing a 4th quarter with time running out to the final buzzer of this world.

But, just saying, here are the other two points of “triangulation” here:

  1. Look at the “10/21/2023” post on “End Time Prophecy of the Popes” – Malachy, an obscure 12th century archbishop (1094 – 1148). You can search the string within the two quotes, or find the movie in a duckduckgo.com search.
  2. Look at Jonathan Cahn’s prophecies. Jonathan Cahn has written many books: “The Harbinger” and a “11/26/2021” post covers “The Oracle”. I first heard Jonathan , post 9-11 at a packed large church location presentation that called for America to repent, not exactly a popular message for the time.

And I am not even including the infallible Word of God, the Bible, for fulfilled prophecies are not a “mystery”. Using an example, “The 70 weeks” prophecy in Daniel, it takes a fair amount of effort to prove it out, but it is not a mystery code by any means. Overall, there are “2500 prophecies in the Bible, and 2,000 of them have already been fulfilled”. (link below amongst many)

Note – The re-establishment of Israel as a nation in 1947 after 2,000 some years. When I was a kid, there weren’t many Messianic Jews, now , they are suddenly proliferating.

What about DNA code? It hasn’t even reached the level of “mysterious” code in Darwin’s time. It’s complex computer code, switch on/off. Mmm, that would require a programmer. So much for the plausibility of darwinism , the pagan religion (not science) preached in our public school gulag up to our present day.

Once again, I don’t have nearly enough faith to be anything but a Christian!

Our Lord is unfathomable! But we could I believe certainly hypothesize answers as to why our LORD would put multiple levels of His Truth in His Word. Would we walk away being able to fully explain the LORD? Or course not! We are created in His image but that would be akin to me being able to teach our dog calculus, a weak analogy at that I expect. This is an issue in the church I submit: We rightly believe that His Word, the Bible is infallible, but that in no way fully explains our Triune God! So, what do you say we cease trying to bring the LORD down to our level…

Soli Deo Gloria!

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