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12/26/2020 – Day 223 – Daniel Chapters 1-6 – Once again, a study for our time….

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

As I noted earlier, we will defer our further study on Daniel to after completing our one year read through the Bible this coming May. In the meantime, I recommend a quick browse of Ray Stedman’s book on Daniel below. The Amazon preview will give us a good intro on our read through the book the next couple of of Saturdays. (a drink of water from a fire hose, lol) I last studied through this book around three years ago. As time allows, I will try to post short chapter intros along with group discussion questions for that chapter from the following book: “Daniel – Spiritual Living in a Secular World – 12 Studies for Individuals or Groups” by Douglas Connelly /ISBN-13 Reference: 978-0-8308-3031-2.

Finally , at the bottom, I am adding a quick summary of my own. Blessings as we celebrate the 12 days of Christmas! Soli Deo Gloria!

Commentary Post In Progress and Pending:

During our lifetime, the book of Daniel in particular has come under attack from heretical leftist biblical scholars. These attacks include but are not limited to: that prophecies in Daniel are not prophecies at all , with a claim that this book was actually written after many of the propehtical events. (2nd century B.C) And, I have read and heard the claim that Daniel wasn’t even a real person. The later claim doesn’t take much to completely debunk seeing as how Jesus in Matthew 24:15 refers to Daniel as as a real person, and called him a “prophet” as well. Also, as Connelly points out in his book: Jesus was quoted from the later chapters of Daniel and took them as authoritative reveleation of truth from God. (Matthew 24:30; Luke 21:27)

The Babylonian captivity period, 605 – 536 b.c. is captured in history through 2 Kings 24-25, which we just completed., and in 2 Chronicales 36, forward in a little over 3 months toward the end of our year in day 311.

In conclusion , to quote Connelly (pg 6 of his book noted above):

“The book of Daniel is written in a literary form known as apocalyptic literature. Apocalyptic books speak to us in those times when God seems to be absent. The crushed people of Judah in Daniel’s day were saying, “Where is God?” Daniel answers their questions by showing them that even in a natural catastrophe God is working out his purpose and plan. “

I would submit that we too could find ourselves in a very similar situation after a complete disintegration of “America”, even for us seniors in our liftetime. God is sovereign , but we should be prepared to give Him the glory through the hardships. It is a frightening prospect from a worldly perspective, but it represents a grand opportunity from the perspective of His kingdom! Let’s see, the one will be over in a “breath” regardless, the other is never – ending…… If we don’t prepare ourselves, the default will be the worldly reaction.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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