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12/31/2020 – Day 228 – Psalms 96 – 98 // Three Short Paths from our Reading


Three paths from today’s reading, as always, so many to choose from:


96:5: “For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens.”

And my bible footnote: “[The Big Bang] represents the instantaneous suspension of physical laws, the sudden, abrupt flash of lawlessness that allowed someting to come out of nothing. It represents a true miracle – transcending physical properties.” Phil Davies, theoretical physicist, “The Edge of Infinity.””

“Ex Nihilo nihil fit” – translated as : “out of nothing nothing is produced” – the Greeks got it!, but in our post modern world, increasing numbers don’t get it. Check it out : Find the estimated % of atheists in the 18th century say, vs. today in the U.S. and worldwide.

Einstein got it!: When he discovered his theory of relativity, as he admitted later, he changed the mathematical formula – from proven to fake. Why? Because he was freaked out for if there is a “Big Bang”, then there is a “Big Banger.” He called it the biggest mistake in his whole career.

Also from Aristostle – “the first cause”. God is the “first cause” – the “Big Banger”. And logically , He is eternal, no beginning. This explains Einstein’s sad reaction noted above.


98:9: “For He is coming to judge the earth, With righteousness He shall judge the word, and the peoples with equity.”

“How long O Lord?” How many times do we cross over that question in Psalms alone.? As Yeshua told His disciples: “Only the Father knows.” But in terms of math, it is just a “breath”; What is the mathematical answer if the numerator is the actual # of years it turns out to be and the denominator is eternity? We know that God keeps His promises! No?


99:9: “Exalt the Lord our God, And the worship at His holy hill, For the Lord our God is holy.”

Blessings in going home! quoting E.T. – “Home!” lol but seriously!

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