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08/30/2024 – “First prayer in Congress – Sept, 1774…”



Soli Deo Gloria!

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08/30/2024 – “The Unsurpassed Intimacy of Tested Faith” // “Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?'” (John 11:40) // FYI: August 29th devotional


“Every time you venture out of your life of faith, you will find something in your circumstances that, from a commonsense standpoint, will flatly contradict your faith. But common …

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08/29/2024 – BabylonBee: “Pro-Lifers criticized for asking pro-life candidates to support pro-life-policies.”



Let me see if I can get this straight:

14th amendment, Section 1 to the Constitution: “… No state shall make or enforce any law which …

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08/29/2024 – Day 083 was our last post in the Semikkah7 365 day reading plan, dated this past Saturday, August 24th . We will pick back up with day # 084 on Sunday, September 15th with 1 Corinthians , Chapters 7 & 8.


For those of you with write access, I encourage y’all to post daily devotionals, perhaps from Christian sources we don’t use that often, if at all. And that goes …

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08/29/2024 – Note Jonathan’s comment – “It is Jewish to believe in Jesus / Yeshua! “


The two Most Jewish Things

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Growing up, I never saw Palm Sunday as Jewish. What could be Jewish about a man named ‘Jesus Christ’ riding a donkey over …

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08/28/2024 – “Lessons from the Baptist” / Colossians 1: 3-6


Baptist and Messiah

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Yochanan the Immerser, or as most know him, John the Baptist, was called the greatest of those born of women by Messiah. He was a …

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08/27/2024 – “…the same Lord who fills the pages of the Bible dwells beyond them and is sitting right beside you – even right now.” / See Luke 24: 13- 27 – The road to Emmaus


Right Beside you

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Luke 24 records that two disciples on the road to Emmaus received perhaps the most amazing Bible study ever given; Messiah Himself leading them through …

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08/26/2024 – We highly recommend the movie: “The Forge”! A good christian movie is motivating, a great christian movie is also convicting: “I need to do more!” / Link article



Soli Deo Gloria!

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08/26/2024 – “… O Lord, God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven above or on earth below — you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way.” 1 Kings 8:23


You’re Being Followed

Monday, August 26, 2024

An American believer visiting England was taken to see the great royal coach used by the royal family on state occasions. In the back of …

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08/25/2024 – Day 084 – 1 Corinthians – Chapters 7 – 8a / 8:6: “In a remarkable affirmation, Paul called Jesus Christ the ‘one Lord’…, a mere 20 years after Jesus’ crucifixion, indicating a high view of Jesus very early on in the church.”


Last cycle, a post dated 05/22/2022, a will call it a tribute to “the shakers”. Still in this chapter on marriage, I dug into a very interesting verse, …

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