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03/05/2024 – “We are Messiah’s partisans, agents of change!”

Categories : Daily Devotionals

His Secret Agents

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

We think of the word Christian as a religious term. The word comes from Christianos, which was given to believers in Antioch. It wasn’t a religious term, but used to refer to Messiah’s people, party, or partisans in the same way that they would speak of Ceasar or Herod’s partisans. Political parties try to affect the world and change things. We are Messiah’s party. More than anything, we’re to be affecting and changing the world. Unlike the political parties of the world, we have the true power to change it. We’re the salt of the earth, the light of the world, and if you’re not affecting the world, you’re not doing your job. Are you leaving circumstances better, worse, or just the same as when you entered? We’re Messiah’s partisans, His party, His people, His agents on earth. We have the potential and power to make a difference. You have the power to change your circumstances, your homes, your neighborhoods, your family, your relationships, and your world. The Lord made you different so you could make a difference. You are Messiah’s partisan, an agent of change.

From Message #797 – The Messiah Partisans 
Scripture: 1 Peter 2:10

TODAY’S MISSION – Be Messiah’s agent of change. Make a difference in your world and the lives of those around you today. 

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“Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” 1 Peter 2:10

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Soli Deo Gloria!

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