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03/21/2024 – “As a believer, you’re part of the commonwealth of Israel and He’s the Keeper of Israel. You don’t have to worry about your future, because you know Him who holds your future.” //Philippians 1:6

Categories : Daily Devotionals

The Preserver

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Jeremiah 31 declares that as long as there’s the natural order of creation, God will preserve the Jewish people. The Shehecheyanu is a Hebrew prayer thanking God for preserving us and sustaining us. All of hell has sought to wipe out the Jewish people from being preserved, yet God fulfilled His Word. Many civilizations have vanished, but the Jews are still here. God preserved them and returned them to the land of Israel, just as He promised. In your life, it may sometimes seem that all hell is against you. You may wonder what’s in the future and if you’re going to make it. God is very good at keeping His word. He kept the Jewish people through all hell for thousands of years. He who keeps Israel is the same One who will keep you who are His child. As a believer, you’re part of the commonwealth of Israel and He’s the Keeper of Israel. You don’t have to worry about your future, because you know Him who holds your future. He’s the One who will hold you, because He who keeps Israel, and you, will neither slumber nor sleep.

From Message #962 – The Genesis Gene 
Scripture: Philippians 1:6

TODAY’S MISSION – Today, trust the Lord with all your concerns for your future. Give Thanks for His taking care of it all. Trust in His peace. 

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“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

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Soli Deo Gloria!

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