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03/21/2024 – BabylonBee: “NYC – homeowner arrested for not providing squatters with wifi password.” / See serious comment attached!

Categories : Satire


Given that I don’t spend time following the news episodes ,social media, or the conspiracy theorist spin records, detailing: “look at what evil is doing today!”, I did not know about this, until a brother shared it with me:


So, I will further resolve to spend my time in prayer groups, bible study, witnessing to the lost, and watching only movies and documentaries that tell of warrior messengers for Christ that accomplish great things by the grace of God. Latest prime example: I subscribed to Apple TV free trial for the sole purpose of watching “Masters of the Air”, a nine part WW11 series. It energizes my spirit and gives me mojo. If I watch news episodes, even if it is “Newsmax”, or those few that are closest to the truth, it drives me into useless depression. In essence, consciously or not, “Newsmax” itself becomes a tool for the Devil. Easy choice, no? So, with the news programs, as you walk away, make sure to ask yourself: “So, What did I learn that will enable me to specifically engage this evil?” If you don’t have anything, walk away and don’t come back! Our time is a precious resource that shouldn’t be wasted. We would all be better off just going to the club for an hour to play pickleball. The Devil isn’t that smart so don’t let him spin you. (Romans 12:2!) What say you?

Soli Deo Gloria!

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