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05/20/2024 – “Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools” – Tyler Staton – excerpt attached / 2 of ?


Your Audience With The Most High

Monday, May 20, 2024

Emily Post, known in her time as the authority on social behavior and proper etiquette, was once asked the correct procedure when one is invited to the White House and has a previous engagement. She answered, “An invitation to dine at the White House is a command that automatically cancels any other engagement.” In other words, whatever else you’re doing, no matter how much planning went into it or how your heart is set on it, cancel and go to the White House. If that’s proper etiquette for a call from the President, what’s the proper etiquette for a call from God? How much more should you treasure your meeting with God every day? How much more should you cancel and put aside all your activities to have an audience with Him? How great an honor it is to meet God in prayer and communion? Greater than an audience with any President or King. He’s sending you an invitation. Cancel all your other plans, answer the call, and go to the throne room. It’s better than the White House.

From Message #2112 – The Still 
Scripture: Matthew 6:6

TODAY’S MISSION – Today, put aside all your activities. You have something much greater to do- You have an audience with your King! 

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“But when you pray, go into your private room, shut your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:6

Here is the final two paragraphs of Tyler Staton’s book:

“I have a dream for the church. We will become houses of prayer again. None of us want to spend the rest of our lives cloistered off in socially irrelevant, spiritually dry weekly meetings. What’s the alternative? The radical reprioritization of prayer. And if the cost is foolishness, count me in. If the cost is sacrifice, count me in. If the cost is faith, count me in. If the cost is perseverance, count me in.

A yes to this kind of kingdom vision looks less like gritting your teeth and more like a king dancing in a priest’s underwear. It looks like less putting our nose to the grindstone and more like Jesus smiling ear to ear on the back off a donkey half his weight. It looks less like intensity, and a lot more like joy.”

Soli Deo Gloria!

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