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06/04/2024 – Day 002 – Genesis – Chapter 1 thru 3 / The story of man: Creation, Fall and Redemption, and we have all three in these first three chapters.

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

Where is Redemption?

“I will put hostility between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He will strike your head, and you will strike his heel.” Genesis 3:15. This is redemption for all mankind through Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection, God’s provision for sin.

Here is my Apologetics Study Bible footnote for 3:15:

“This predicted battle between the serpent and the woman would not be a literal confrontation in the garden. The language is figurative, indicating the life-and-death struggle between the adversary and the human family borne by the woman. Like the word ‘sheep’ in English, the word ‘seed’ in Hebrew is both singular and plural. , meaning either descendants without number, taken as a whole, or one particular descendant. The passage incorporates both meanings by referring to the ongoing opposition to the people of God by their enemies and by predicting the rise of a particular seed, Jesus Christ, who will destroy the serpent in the end (Romans 16:20; Revelation 12: 9-10)

And take a look at John Gill’s commentary for 3:15 , free on the web by individual verses:


And then 3:16:

“The woman’s penalty was not in bearing children but in the pain attached to giving birth. ‘Yet he will dominate you’ does not warrant the enslavement of women as chattel. Woman is also created in the image of God and has the honored role of giving birth by which the blessing for all humanity is realized (1: 26-28). The Lord’s pronouncement predicts the future rivalry between the sexes for dominance, a rivalry resulting from the sinful condition of man and woman. These words are not an exhortation directed to the man to dominate his wife. Hebrew law recognized the vulnerability of women and required special deference to them (Exodus 22:22; Deuteronomy 25: 5-10). The New Testament explicitly commands husbands to love and honor their wives (Ephesians 5:25; Colossians 3:19; 1 Peter 3:7), and Christian husbands and wives observe their spiritual equality (Galations 3:28) while carrying out their respective God-given roles.”

Our posting for last cycle is dated “03/01/2022” if you want to search on that date string or by “Day 002” under the filter “Semikkah7 bible reading plan”. If you want to weigh in on one or all of the questions, we can trigger a fellowship. Posting comments are not intuitive, but once you know the mechanics it is just as quick: Go to view mode on a post. At the bottom of the screen is a comment area. Only logged on users can see comments. The beauty of the blog as discussions can begin years after the original post, as would be the case here.

Also on the 03/01/2022 post, I recommend the documentary “Is Genesis History”, narrated by Del Tackett.


Soli Deo Gloria!

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