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07/02/2024 – Day 030 – Genesis – Chapters 16 – 19 / Archaeological note on Sodom & Gomorrah; the Abrahamic Covenant – ‘Progressive Revelation’; Theophanies; Movie recommendation: “His Only Son” -2023 (Ch. 22 next Tuesday’s reading)

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

If you haven’t looked at it yet, I recommend last cycle’s post on this reading, searching on the post date – 03/28/2022. It covers a very interesting archaeological note on Sodom and Gomorrah, chapters 18 & 19.

Today, I am going to share just a few commentary footnotes from “The Apologetics Study Bible”:

“This man will be like a wild ass. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him; he will live at odds with all his brothers.” Genesis 16:12

16:12. “The prophecy regarding Ishmael and his descendants may seem harsh and stereotypical. However, the description of a mobile warlike people has been true to the history of many of Ismael’s descendants among the Arab peoples. It is also striking that, while none of the 10 nations listed in 15: 19-21 has survived to the present day, the Arab peoples are now among the largest ethnic groups in the world.”


“When Abram was 99 years old, the LORD appeared to him, saying, ‘I am God Alrighty, Live in my presence and be devout. I will establish my covenant between Me and you and I will multiply you greatly.” Genesis 17: 1 – 2

17: 1-2 “The Abrahamic covenant is in the form of any unconditional contract with Abram and his divinely chosen descendant; ultimately it is guaranteed by the faithfulness of God alone (v. 2). Nevertheless, it has a secondary conditional aspect. To enjoy the benefits of this covenant, Abram must still obey God’s commands. This requirement is seen here in the words: “Live in My presence and be devout” (v.1).”


17: 4, 10-14, 15,21. “Throughout the Bible God’s plan is clarified in successive parts, sometimes over an extended period. This gradual unfolding of His purpose in history is called ‘progressive revelation.’ In this case the revelation of the Abrahamic covenant began 24 years earlier (12: 1-4). It has been restated and clarified (13: 14-17; 15: 17-21) and at this point, becomes even more specific. The renaming of Abraham and Sarah, the giving of a sign of the covenant, and the statement of Sarah would physically bear a son of the promise, as well as the date of birth for the child, represent a further expansion of the revelation.”


To help with our confusion:

18:1 – 19:2. “At first glance, the identity of the person with whom Abraham (chapters 18) and Lot (chapter 19) interacted may seem confusing. There are references to ‘the LORD’ (18:1,10), ‘three men’ (18:2,9) and ‘two angels’ (19:1). The best explanation is that both the Lord and the angels took human form (i.e. appeared to be human beings). Of the three, the Lord conversed with Abraham (18:1, 10-33), while the two angels (19:1) continued on to Sodom, where Lot responded to them (19:1-2) in. a manner similar to the way in which Abraham had met the three men in 18: 1-4), implying that their appearance remained human.”


Link below : Definitions and other instances of Theophanies in the Old Testament:



Finally: I recommend the 2023 movie: “His Only Son”, which recounts when Abrahan was commanded by God to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain of Moriah. I am jumping ahead to our reading next week, Chapter 22 – The Sacrifice of Isaac.


Soli Deo Gloria!

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