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07/27/2024 – Day 055 – Isaiah – Chapters 40 – 44 / Matthew Henry commentaries by chapter. (two links attached)/ fyi: Today is “National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day”

Categories : Semikkah7 One Year

For the last 2 cycles on Day 055, you can search on:

04/23/2022: “Magnificent Rhapsodies of the Future” – Chapter excerpt summaries from “Halley’s Bible Handbook.”

07/25/2020 – Messiah Prophecies foretold 700 years before Christ at least… See Chapter 44 also, foretelling of Cyrus the Great by name, a 100 year span between Isaiah’s death and Cyrus’ birth.

I hope to get back to more specific commentary, but for now I will leave you with Matthew Henry’s free commentary on the web by chapter (You can toggle through all five chapters if you like from this one link:

Complete Version:


If you are overwhelmed with the length, as in “this is even longer than the biblical text” lol, then try the concise version first:



Questions for fellowship generation, the lifelong sanctification process:

  • What does the text reveal about God’s character?
  • How has this reading generated prayer for you and/or us?
  • What themes stand out to you in this bible study?
  • How does our reading fit into the bigger picture (creation, the fall, restoration, etc.)?
  • What verse(s) jumped out at you like never before?  Is it explainable at this point?
  • Do you have any questions you would like to put before the group as to how to interpret any particular verse(s)  in our reading.  Let scripture testify to scripture: Share with us where you sense contradiction between passages elsewhere.
  • What did you find convicting and inspiring at the same time?  Share with us how the Spirit of God is working within you as a messenger, both within and outside of our fellowship group.
  • Share with the group how our study is calling or confirming to you a new mission to glorify God in our times.


Soli Deo Gloria!

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