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08/24/2024 – “The most damnable and pernicious heresy that has ever plagued the mind of man is that somehow he can make himself good enough to deserve to live forever with an all-holy God.” Martin Luther

Categories : Quotes

Soli Deo Gloria!

2 comments on “08/24/2024 – “The most damnable and pernicious heresy that has ever plagued the mind of man is that somehow he can make himself good enough to deserve to live forever with an all-holy God.” Martin Luther


    • September 2, 2024 at 9:46 pm

    This message from Martin Luther is even more applicable today. More people just don’t worry about their salvation anymore. They are “good enough”.


      • September 15, 2024 at 8:33 am

      In an understatement, it is very sad! But I repeatedly work at catching myself: I somehow sense we were born for this time
      just as Isaiah and Jeremiah were born for their time. Nobody was listening to them. But we must remain undaunted as they were.
      We don’t save souls, the Holy Spirit does that. But we have the privilege to come alongside Him as His messengers. The vision
      that I have that seems to help keep me on track: Imagine being approached by someone who greets you by proclaiming: “I know
      you, you invited me here!” (Heaven is perfect but somehow it just got better). So not witnessing to a fellow soul, to leave them
      in their “safe space” is essentially hate, not love. I would rather someone not talk to me the rest of their life, than to let it
      The delusion that we can make ourselves good enough includes: 1). I did the altar call. I believe, saved by faith! But what if
      my life looks no different than it did before? This is where typically Protestants don’t understand the James verse: “faith without
      works is death.” It is not saying the works save you, but works evidences saving faith, it is impossible not to have works if you
      have true faith for we are “the deer panting for water!
      2). “I am saved because I am a good person!” This is essentially Deist in that it leaves Jesus completely out of
      Thanks Lenny!

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