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09/15/2024 – Lessons from the Baptist: “Come back to your first love. Make God the Lord of your heart and your life will really be something great.” Colossians 2:6

Categories : Daily Devotionals

Baptist and Messiah

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Yochanan the Immerser, or as most know him, John the Baptist, was called the greatest of those born of women by Messiah. He was a priest, a prophet, God’s messenger to his generation- and yet without the Messiah, it made no sense. Yochanan’s life and ministry only found its fulfillment when Messiah came. Now if John, with all his holiness, spirituality, gifts, calling, and power in ministry was still not complete without Messiah, how much more your life? No matter what you’ve acquired in your life, you’ll still be empty without Messiah in its center. Maybe you’ve been trying to fill your life with possessions, a relationship, recognition, achievement, some cause or pursuit. Maybe you think that you can fill your life with the pursuit of ministry and spirituality. Well, these things are good, but they can’t fill your life. No matter what else you have, it’s an unchangeable fact- it’ll be empty if the Lord’s not in the center. So why waste any more time? Come back to your first love. Make God the Lord of your heart and your life will really be something great.

From Message #226 – Lessons from the Baptist 
Scripture: Colossians 2:6

TODAY’S MISSION – Today, make it your aim to make Messiah your aim – Make Him the object of everything you do.

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During our two week vacation, I kept up with the daily scriptural readings and morning devotions, but not so with sharing commentary and questions. The wifi was down frequently on our trip and my texting on the phone leaves much to be desired. We’ll start back with our scriptural reading fellowship this Sunday with day 085 of our reading plan , Mark 5 & 6.

“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, ‘walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6

Soli Deo Gloria!

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